The HU lidar (acronym for light detection and ranging) is located in the 4th floor of Turner Hall. The lidar transmitter consists of a zenith-viewing Nd:YAG laser that operates at three fixed wavelengths (1064, 532, and 355 nm) and an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) with a tunable range from 192 to 2750 nm that allow to determine the vertical distribution (abundance per height) of particulates (aerosols, smoke, dust, cloud), trace gases (H2O, NO2 and O3) and temperature. The range of wavelengths gives us to versatility of performing a combination of lidar techniques such as Elastic, Raman and Differential Absorption. The lidar receiver consist of non-coaxial Cassegrainian telescope receiver, a light separation system with beam splitters and interference filters, a detecting system including photomultiplier tubes (PMT) and avalanche photodiodes (APDs) and a Licel optical transient recorder that allow for a high-resolution (7.5 m) measurements that extend from the surface to the lower and middle stratosphere (~30 km).

Interdisciplinary research at HU Lidar Laboratory revolves around understanding atmospheric chemistry and physics with remote sensing technology. The impact of the meteorology on air quality, wind energy, and cal/val of satellite and numerical weather prediction models is examined with an Integrated Observing System that uses active (lidar, rawinsondes, and radar) and passive (sun photometer, spectrometer and satellite) remote sensing techniques, and surface in-situ measurements of gases and aerosols.